- Genere: Libro
- Lingua: Inglese
- Editore: LED Edizioni Universitarie
- Pubblicazione: 09/2013
papio m. (curatore)
41,50 €
39,42 €
In honor of the seven hundredth anniversary of Giovanni Boccaccio's birth and in celebration of its first decade of life, Heliotropia, the journal of the American Boccaccio Association, has collected in this volume a series of critical essays, some revised and some brand new, on one of the most important writers of the Middle Ages. The authors consider here not only the Decameron, but also Boccaccio's minor works and his place in the culture of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Italy.SOMMARIO
Preface — Editor's Notes (2003) — Messer Decameron Galeotto. Un titolo e una chiave di lettura (Marco Veglia) — Decameron 2.4: the Matrices of Voice (H. Wayne Storey) — Andreuccio at the Well: Sanitation Infrastructure and Civic Values in Decameron 2.5 (Maggie Fritz-Morkin) — The Motto and the Enigma: Rhetoric and Knowledge in the Sixth Day of the Decameron (Filippo Andrei) — Calandrino and the Powers of the Stone: Rhetoric, Belief and the Progress of Ingegno in Decameron 8.3 (Ronald L. Martinez) — Il vino di Boccaccio: Usi e abusi in alcune novelle del Decameron (Giovanni Spani) — Figurative Language and Sex Wars in the Decameron (Marilyn Migiel) — The Marriage of Plautus and Boccaccio (Janet Smarr) — Elissa as a New Dido: Greece, the East, and the Westward Movement of Culture in the Decameron (Christopher Livanos) — Intertestualità tra Decameron e De mulieribus claris: La tragica storia di Tisbe e Piramo (Elsa Filosa) — Boccaccio's Vernacular Classicism: Intertextuality and Interdiscursivity in the Decameron (Simone Marchesi) — "Women Make All Things Lose Their Power": Women's Knowledge, Men's Fear in the Decameron and the Corbaccio (F. Regina Psaki) — La fucina delle finzioni: Le novelle e le origini del romanzo (Elisabetta Menetti) — Phaethon's Old Age in the Genealogie and the Decameron (Natalie Cleaver) — The Language of Women as Written by Men: Boccaccio, Dante and Gendered Histories of the Vernacular (Kristina Olson) — Boccaccio on Readers and Reading (Jonathan Usher) — On Seneca, Mussato, Trevet and the Boethian "Tragedies" of the De casibu (Michael Papio) — Bibliography — The Authors and Their Abstracts.ALTRE INFORMAZIONI
- Condizione: Nuovo
- ISBN: 9788879166539
- Formato: Brossura
- Pagine Arabe: 306