Feminist Foremothers in Women's Studies, Psychology, and Mental Health
cole ellen; rothblum esther d; chesler phyllis
139,98 €
132,98 €
Feminist Foremothers in Women’s Studies, Psychology, and Mental Health is by and about the more recent wave of feminist foremothers; those who were awakened in the 1960s and ’70s to the realization that something was terribly wrong. These are the women who created the fields of feminist therapy, feminist psychology, and women’s mental health as they exist today. The 48 women share their life stories in the hope that they will inspire and encourage readers to take their own risks and their own journeys to the outer edges of human possibility. Authors write about what led up to their achievements, what their accomplishments were, and how their lives were consequently changed. They describe their personal stages of development in becoming feminists, from unawareness to activism to action. Some women focus on the painful barriers to success, fame, and social change; others focus on the surprise they experience at how well they, and the women’s movement, have done. Some well-known feminist foremothers featured include: Phyllis Chesler Gloria Steinem Kate Millett Starhawk Judy Chicago Zsuszanna Emese Budapest Andrea Dworkin Jean Baker Miller Carol Gilligan In Feminist Foremothers in Women’s Studies, Psychology, and Mental Health, many of the women see in hindsight how prior projects and ideas and even dreams were the forerunners to their most important work. They note the importance of sisterhood and the presence of other women and the loneliness and isolation experienced when they don’t exist. They note the validation they have received from grassroots feminists in contrast to disbelief from professionals. Although these women have been and continue to be looked up to as foremothers, they realize how little recognition they’ve been given from society-at-large and how much better off their male counterparts are. Some foremothers write about the feeling of being different, not meshing with the culture of the time and about challenging the system as an outsider, not an insider. These are women who had few mentors, who had to forge their own way, “hit the ground running.” Their stories will challenge readers to press on, to continue the work these foremothers so courageously started.Throughout the pages of Feminist Foremothers in Women’s Studies, Psychology, and Mental Health runs a sense of excitement and vibrancy of lives lived well, of being there during the early years of the women’s movement, of making sacrifices, of taking risks and living to see enormous changes result. Throughout these pages, too, sounds a call not to take these changes for granted but to recognize that feminists, rather than arguing over picayune issues or splitting politically correct hairs, are battling for the very soul of the world.SOMMARIO
Contents Foreword A Leader of Women Incest: A Journey to Hullabaloo Working With the Light: Women of Vision Working on Gender as a Gender-Nonconformist By My Sisters Reborn Women’s Psychology, Goddess Archetypes, and Patriarchy: A Jungian Analyst, Feminist Activist, Visionary Feminist Foremother Notes of a Feminist Therapy “ForeDaughter” Spiritual Dandelions The Fitting Room “Weak Ego Boundaries:” One Developing Feminist’s Story Judy Chicago, Feminist Artist and Educator Becoming a Feminist Foremother Pauline Rose Clance: The Professor From Appalachia Feminist and Activist Fighting Sexual Abuse Bridging Feminism and Multiculturalism “Fag Hags,” Firemen, and Feminist Theory: Girl Talk on Amtrak Lesbian Feminist Fights Organized Psychiatry A New Voice for Psychology On Being a Feminist and a Psychotherapist Judy Herman: Cleaning House Revolutionizing the Psyche of Patriarchy Feminism: Crying for Our Souls Progress Notes Working With Feminist Foremothers to Advance Women’s Issues Enlightened, Empowered, and Enjoying It! Feminist Reflections From the Wheat Fields Who Ever Thought I’d Grow Up To Be a Feminist Foremother? When Aphrodite Called, I Listened Learning From Women Adventures of a Feminist Foremothers/Foresisters Testing the Boundaries of Justice Words of Honor: Contributions of a Feminist Art Critic Feminist Anthropologist Anointed Foremother! Reminiscences, Recollections, and Reflections: The Making of a Feminist Foremother From Suburban Housewife to Radical Feminist Politicizing Sexual Violence: A Voice in the Wilderness A Feminist in the Arab World A Late Awakening Count Me In Reclaiming the Sacred Steps Toward Transformation: A Conversation With Gloria Steinem Catherine R. Stimpson: Charting the Course of Women’s Studies Since Its Inception A Woman Undaunted: Bonnie Strickland Some Contributions to Feminist Research in Psychology The Transmogrification of a Feminist Foremother An Unlikely Radical Reference Notes IncludedAUTORE
Ellen Cole, Esther D Rothblum, Phyllis CheslerALTRE INFORMAZIONI
- Condizione: Nuovo
- ISBN: 9781560247678
- Dimensioni: 9 x 6 in Ø 2.25 lb
- Formato: Copertina rigida
- Pagine Arabe: 558