- Lingua: Inglese
- Editore: Oxford University Press
- Edizione: Third Edition
Exploring Philosophy
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Preface: ; Acknowledgments: ; 1. INTRODUCTION; What Is Philosophy?, Monroe C. Beardsley and Elizabeth Lane Beardsley; Historical Source; Defence of Socrates, Plato; 2. REASONING; The Scope of Logic, Wesley C. Salmon; Improving Your Thinking, Stephen F. Barker; Fixing Belief, Morris R. Cohen and Ernest Nagel; * Scientific Inquiry, Carl G. Hempel; Science and Common Sense, Ernest Nagel; 3. KNOWLEDGE; Appearance and Reality, Bertrand Russell; What Can I Know?, D. Z. Phillips; Knowledge and Belief, Norman Malcolm; The Problem of Induction, Bertrand Russell; Will the Future Be Like the Past?, Frederick L. Will; * What is Knowledge?, A. J. Ayer; * Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?, Edmund L. Gettier; Historical Sources; Meno, Plato; Meditations on First Philosophy, Ren'e Descartes; An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume; 4. MIND; The Ghost in the Machine, Gilbert Ryle; The Mind as a Function of the Body, Richard Taylor; What Is It Like to Be a Bat?, Thomas Nagel; * Computers and Intelligence, Alan Turing; Do Computers Think?, John Searle; Historical Source; Meditations on First Philosophy, Ren'e Descartes; * 5. FREE WILL; * Free Will, Thomas Nagel; * Freedom and Determinism, Richard Taylor; * Freedom and Necessity, A. J. Ayer; * Free Will or Determinism?, Steven M. Cahn; * Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility, Harry Frankfurt; Historical Source; An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume; 6. GOD; Does God Exist?, Ernest Nagel ; Why God Allows Evil, Richard Swinburne; Theology and Falsification, Antony Flew and Basil Mitchell; Do Miracles Occur?, Monroe C. Beardsley and Elizabeth Lane Beardsley; Pascal's Wager, Simon Blackburn; The Hiddenness of God, Robert McKim; * God and Science, Nicholas Everitt; * God and Morality, Steven M. Cahn; Historical Sources; * Proslogion, St. Anselm; Summa Theologiae, Saint Thomas Aquinas; An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume; * The Will to Believe, William James; 7. MORAL THEORY; The Challenge of Cultural Relativism, James Rachels; How Not to Answer Moral Questions, Tom Regan; The Nature of Ethical Disagreement, Charles L. Stevenson; A Supreme Moral Principle?, Steven M. Cahn; * Happiness and Morality, Christine Vitrano; * Virtue Ethics, Bernard Mayo; * The Ethics of Care, Virginia Held; Historical Sources; Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle; Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant; Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill; 8. MORAL PROBLEMS; * A Defense of Abortion, Judith Jarvis Thomson; * Why Abortion Is Immoral, Don Marquis; Active and Passive Euthanasia, James Rachels; Active and Passive Euthanasia: A Reply, Thomas D. Sullivan; * Famine, Affluence, and Morality, Peter Singer; * World Hunger and Moral Obligation, John Arthur; 9. SOCIETY; Democracy, John Dewey; Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr.; Political Action: The Problem of Dirty Hands, Michael Walzer; * In Defense of the Death Penalty, Ernest van den Haag; Capital Punishment, Hugo Adam Bedau; Two Concepts of Affirmative Action, Steven M. Cahn; Are Quotas Sometimes Justified?, James Rachels; What Is a Liberal Education?, Sidney Hook; Historical Sources; Crito, Plato; On Liberty, John Stuart Mill; * The Solitude of Self, Elizabeth Cady Stanton; 10. CONCLUSION; The Meaning of Life, Richard Taylor; The Value of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell; Historical Source; Phaedo, Plato; Suggestions for Further Reading: ; Index:ALTRE INFORMAZIONI
- Condizione: Nuovo
- ISBN: 9780195370102
- Dimensioni: 234x156 mm.
- Formato: Paperback
- Pagine Arabe: 528