![madya suwarsih (curatore); hamied fuad abdul (curatore); renandya willy a. (curatore); coombe christine (curatore); basthomi yazid (curatore) - elt in asia in the digital era: global citizenship and identity](https://copertine.hoepli.it/hoepli/xl/978/0815/9780815379003.jpg)
ELT in Asia in the Digital Era: Global Citizenship and Identity
madya suwarsih (curatore); hamied fuad abdul (curatore); renandya willy a. (curatore); coombe christine (curatore); basthomi yazid (curatore)
234,98 €
223,23 €
This proceedings book captures a wide range of timely themes for readers to be able to foresee the digital era's impact on English teaching in non-English speaking countries. English used in the global environment, the frequent mobile communication, and the use of AI-based translators are bringing about dramatic changes in our English language learning and teaching. Who can provide us the wisdom to know what to do? Those scholars going through these complex environmental changes! A collection of puzzle pieces may bring us a better contour for the future than a perfectly edited book. It's indeed a pleasure reading these insightful pieces to gain wisdom for the future of ELT practices in global contexts.SOMMARIO
Part I: English language teaching and learning developments – what do they mean in different contexts with different paradigms? Teacher development for content-based instruction D.J. Tedick Sustainable professional development programs for English teachers: A case study in South Sulawesi, Indonesia A. Abduh & R. Rosmaladewi Teacher efficacy in instructional strategies in classroom among tertiary teachers in Central Java, Indonesia Muamaroh Sex-based grouping in English language teaching M. Mahmud & Sahril The relationship of English proficiency and socioeconomic status with the choice of language learning strategies among EFL students of Cenderawasih University Papua R.D.B. Rambet Learners’ native language interference in learning English pronunciation: A case study of Indonesian regional dialects M.N. Jannah, K.H. Hidayati & S. Setiawan English Language Teaching (ELT) learners’ communication strategies in exclusive and task-based learning B. Kadaryanto, T.H. Febiani & D. Utaminingsih Exploring English lexical inferencing strategies performed by EFL university students I. Hermagustiana Digital collaboration and the impact on motivation and identity S. Healy Interpreting the demand of the curriculum creatively A. Widyantoro The effectiveness of an ELT model using Curriculum 13 to SMA students in Surakarta Ngadiso Compromising between the general and specific skills in EAP syllabus development in Indonesian context Jamilah Academic reading needs analysis: Preliminary study of Malaysian prospective higher education students S.M. Damio & N.N. Rosli Using multi techniques to improve reading fluency in ESL classrooms D.B. Devi & M. Dhamotharan Collaborative summary writing as an activity to comprehend reading texts L.A. Mauludin Integrating CEFR, thematic contents, and intensive instruction in developing speaking materials for first-year English language teacher trainees C.A. Korompot Developing public speaking materials based on communicative language teaching for EFL learners in Indonesia M.A.R. Hakim & M.J.Z. Abidin Improving learners’ vocabulary mastery through the use of scaffolding strategies while storytelling in an EFL multiethnic classroom Istiqamah The effect of school origins on the grammatical competence of university students C.H. Karjo & R. Djohan Part II: Exploring the relationship between the knowledge-based era and TEFL development When ELF meets BELF: Building business communication into ELF-informed curriculum Y.J. Yujobo Indonesian English as a foreign language teachers’ instructional curriculum design: Revealing patterns of needs analysis A. Triastuti & M. Riazi Need analysis of English needs of midwifery students in Indonesia F. Fahriany & N. Nuraeni Teachers’ accountability in the post-method era: Balancing freedom and responsibility Sugirin Pre-service teachers’ self-reflection on their pedagogical competences upon joining the SM-3T program N.A. Nurichsania & S. Rachmajanti Exploring types and levels of motivation of Indonesian EFL learners A. Budiman Influence of motivation and language learning environment on the successful EFL learning Masyhur L2 learning motivation from the perspective of self-determination theory: A qualitative case study of hospitality and tourism students in Taiwan H.T. Hsu A comparison of gender disparity in East Asian EFL textbooks N. Suezawa EFL students’ perception on the role of target-language culture in CCU class N. Hidayati, Sumardi & S.S. Tarjana Sundanese local content integration in English for young learners’ classroom I.A. Alwasilah Written corrective feedback in a writing skill development program S. Hidayati, A. Ashadi & S. Mukminatun Contact with the nature: Field trip strategy in enhancing writing descriptive text Rugaiyah Inquiring language awareness of TEFL master students in advanced grammar course M.D.A. Rizqan Part III: Exploring and understanding today’s demands for foreign languages: Going beyond English language competencies Developing fluency I.S.P. Nation Foregrounding global citizenship in EFL using UNESCO’s category of core values Masulah Pedagogical movements in teaching English in the emerging issues of World Englishes N. Mukminatien Considering English varieties in Indonesia’s EFL teaching and learning E. Andriyanti & V. Rieschild Prospective EFL teachers’ awareness of varieties of English: Implications for ELT N. Atma & W. Fatmawati ELT shift: Necessary matters to be taught dealing with pronunciation among NNS related to English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) Andy & L. Muzammil Visualizing ideal L2 self and enhancing L2 learning motivation, a pilot study among Chinese college students C. Zou The potential of mobile technology in testing and enhancing L2 word recognition from speech J. Matthews Does exposure to L2 affect cultural intelligence? Z. Nafissi & N. Salmasi Indonesian EFL teachers’ identities in written discourse: English or Oriental domination? R.D. Pratama The construction of imagined identities in two Indonesian English bilingual adolescents B. Chen & A. Lie A case study of a seven-year old Indonesian-English bilingual child in a trilingual school R.Y. Prayitno & A. Lie The teacher’s code-switching in ELT classrooms: Motives and functions D.A. Andawi & N.A. Drajati Features of teachers’ code-switching in Indonesia: How multiple languages are used in tertiary bilingual classrooms H. Cahyani Code-switching and code-mixing in bilingual communication: Language deficiency or creativity? D.A. Nugraheni English as a medium of instruction: Issues and challenges for Indonesian university lecturers and students R. Hendryanti & I.N. Kusmayanti EFL learners’ opportunities and problems in literacy strategy implementation N. Christiani & M.A. Latief An explanatory study on the needs of skill-integrated coursebook for listening and speaking classes S.K. Kurniasih, B.Y. Diyanti & L. Nurhayati Indonesian teacher’s beliefs and practices on teaching listening using songs N.A. Fauzi More than just vocabulary search: A bibliographic review on the roles of corpora of English in 21st century ELT S. Simbuka Hyland’s model of argument in ESL writers essay W.H. Osman Investigating students’ perceptions of blended learning implementation in an academic writing classroom F. Indratama, N.A. Drajati, D. Rochsantiningsih & J. Nurkamto Part IV: Transforming TEFL in a fully digital world Intercultural language teaching and learning in digital era A.J. Liddicoat Developing multiliteracies for EFL learners in the digital era W. Lei Exploring the contribution of the school culture and the learner factors to the success of the English e-learners R.C.Y. Setyo, Suharsono & O. Purwati Perception and ICT usage of students and lecturers of the English study program of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tridinanti University Y. Hendrety The story of “Julie”: A life history study of the learning experiences of an Indonesian English language teacher in implementing ICT in her classroom D.S. Ciptaningrum Faculty’s attitudes towards the shift to blended learning, challenges faced and its impact K.K. Aye The incorporation of Facebook in language pedagogy: Merits, defects, and implications T.N.T. Dung & L.T.N. Quynh Reading enjoyment in the digital age: How does it differ by parents’ education, self-expected education, and socio-economic status? N.H.P.S. Putro & J. Lee ‘Read-to-Me’ story books: Parent-child home English reading activities D.R. Meisani Utilizing iBooks in teaching EFL reading comprehension D.S. Suharti The effectiveness of online brain-writing compared to brainstorming as prewriting strategies in teaching writing to students with high frequency and low frequency of Language Learning Strategies (LLS) D. Hermasari Gallery Walk for teaching a content course I. Maharsi Assessing speaking by f2f or using a developed application: Are there any differences? M.S. Simatupang, M. WiannastitiAUTORE
Suwarsih Madya Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia Fuad Abdul Hamied Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia Willy A. Renandya Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Christine Coombe Dubai Men’s College, the United Arab Emirates Yazid Basthomi Universitas Negeri Malang, IndonesiaALTRE INFORMAZIONI
- Condizione: Nuovo
- ISBN: 9780815379003
- Dimensioni: 9.75 x 6.75 in Ø 2.78 lb
- Formato: Copertina rigida
- Pagine Arabe: 578
- Pagine Romane: xvi