Education in the Age of Misinformation

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154,83 €
This edited volume examines the implications of misinformation and youth digital life in a new information environment. This new information environment is characterized by high levels of user engagement, hidden algorithmic manipulations, and information abundance, including misinformation and disinformation. While misinformation and disinformation in the post-truth era have been previously investigated, this edited volume offers a distinctive educational focus that scholars have not yet addressed. Chapters contribute to the ongoing discussion of the role of education in democracies while uniquely contextualizing the problem of misinformation as a pedagogical opportunity. Contributions from across the globe answer the question of how education might respond to the changing information environment through engagements with educational philosophy, democracy, and everyday practices of teaching and learning. The book adds to a growing body of work exploring what it means to engage in responsive, rather than reactive or stagnant, pedagogy. 

1. Education in the Age of Misinformation: An Introduction.- 2. Beyond “Fake News”: Misinformation Studies for a Postdigital Era.- 3. Methodological Pluralism and the Pursuit of the Public Good.- 4. Digital Existence and Its Impossible Education and Democracy.- 5. Adorno’s Demand: Post-truth, the Alt-right, and the Need for Antifascist Education.- 6. Witnessing the Pathways of Misinformation, Hate, and Radicalization: A Pedagogic Response.- 7. Pedagogical Implications of the New Information Environment.- 8. Can Truth Change? Philosophical Dialogue to Foster Pupils’ Reflection About (Mis)information.- 9. Transactions of Online Literacy: Ethical Relationality, ICT, and Critical Reading Skills in the Post-Truth Era.- 10. Critical Citizenship Versus ‘High Individualism’ in Education.- 11. What’s in a Tweet? How Platform Features Facilitate and Constrain Civic Discourse and What It Means for Teaching Civic Media Literacy.- 12. Learning About Disinformation Through Situated and Responsive Pedagogy: Bridging the Gap Between Students’ Digital and School Lives.- 13. Education in the Age of Misinformation: An Afterword.

Lana Parker is Associate Professor of Language Education at the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor, Canada. Her research examines relationality in education, with a particular focus on the intersections of literacies, ethics, and democracy. She has led nationally funded research in Canada on youth engagement with misinformation and responsive pedagogies since 2018.

  • Condizione: Nuovo
  • ISBN: 9783031258732
  • Dimensioni: 210 x 148 mm
  • Formato: Brossura
  • Illustration Notes: XV, 259 p. 15 illus.
  • Pagine Arabe: 259
  • Pagine Romane: xv