Drugs and Crime Deviant Pathways
agra candido da; brochu serge (curatore)
181,98 €
172,88 €
This key work exposes international studies from leading social sciences researchers who use various theoretical perspectives and methodological orientations to depict deviant drug and crime-related pathways. The chapters have been grouped into four sections. The first section, Deviance, Set and Setting, discusses a new basis for the understanding of deviant pathways. The second section, Youth, Drug and Delinquency Pathways, presents empirical studies which help to understand the drug-crime relationship. The third section discusses Adult, Drug and Crime Pathways adopted by drug users, flexers , traders or dealers, and traffickers. Finally, the fourth section, Ways Out of deviant pathways, explores approaches for controlling drug use and criminality socially or individually, with or without legal intervention or formal help. In short, this book presents an invaluable overview of the most advanced research in the field of deviant drug-and crime-related pathways.SOMMARIO
Contents: Introduction, Serge Brochu, Candido da Agra and Marie-Marthe Cousineau. Deviance, Set and Setting: The complex structures, processes and meanings of the drug/crime relationship, Candido da Agra; The study of psychological self-organization processes in deviant pathways: contributions of the biogram method, Celina Manita and Candido da Agra; Drug addiction and drug dealing - from trajectories to careers: the status of the question in social sciences in France, Michel Kokoreff and Claude Faugeron; Ethnographic space-time: culture of resistance in a ’dangerous place’, LuÃs Fernandes and Tiago Neves. Youth, Drug and Delinquency Pathways: Developmental trajectories leading to delinquency and substance use in adolescence: results from Quebec studies, René Carbonneau; Deviant trajectories at the turning point between adolescence and adulthood, Michel Born and Claire Gavray; Deviant youth trajectories: adoption, progression and regression of deviant lifestyles, Natacha Brunelle, Marie-Marthe Cousineau and Serge Brochu. Adult, Drug and Crime Pathways: Drug/crime pathways among cocaine users, Isabelle Parent and Serge Brochu; Flexing crack in Toronto: a deviant pathway for poor, homeless drug users, Patricia G. Erickson, Jennifer Butters and Beric German; Black women’s pathways to involvement in illicit drug distribution and sales: an exploratory ethnographic analysis, Lisa Maher, Eloise Dunlap and Bruce D. Johnson. Ways Out: The background of illegal drug abuse - a German view, Helmut Kury, Joachim Obergfell-Fuchs and Theodore Ferdinand; Deviant pathways of alcoholic and drug-addicted patients, Françoise Facy, Myriam Rabaud and Daniel Ruffin; Pathways out of deviance: implications for programme evaluation, Céline Mercier and Sophie Alarie; Conclusion, Marie-Marthe Cousineau, Candido da Agra and Serge Brochu; Index.ALTRE INFORMAZIONI
- Condizione: Nuovo
- ISBN: 9780754630234
- Dimensioni: Ø 1.10 lb
- Formato: Copertina rigida
- Pagine Arabe: 272