Biomedical Signals, Imaging, and Informatics
bronzino joseph d. (curatore); peterson donald r. (curatore)
123,98 €
117,78 €
Known as the bible of biomedical engineering, The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition, sets the standard against which all other references of this nature are measured. As such, it has served as a major resource for both skilled professionals and novices to biomedical engineering. Biomedical Signals, Imaging, and Informatics, the third volume of the handbook, presents material from respected scientists with diverse backgrounds in biosignal processing, medical imaging, infrared imaging, and medical informatics. More than three dozen specific topics are examined, including biomedical signal acquisition, thermographs, infrared cameras, mammography, computed tomography, positron-emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, hospital information systems, and computer-based patient records. The material is presented in a systematic manner and has been updated to reflect the latest applications and research findings.SOMMARIO
BIOSIGNAL PROCESSING Digital Biomedical Signal Acquisition and Processing; Luca T. Mainardi, Anna M. Bianchi, and Sergio Cerutti Time–Frequency Signal Representations for Biomedical Signals; G. Faye Boudreaux-Bartels and Robin Murray Multivariate Spectral Analysis of Electroencephalogram: Power, Coherence, and Second-Order Blind Identification; Ramesh Srinivasan and Siyi Deng General Linear Modeling of Magnetoencephalography Data; Dimitrios Pantazis, Juan Luis Poletti Soto, and Richard M. Leahy Emergence of Groupwise Registration in MR Brain Study; Guorong Wu, Hongjun Jia, Qian Wang, Feng Shi, Pew-Thian Yap, and Dinggang Shen Functional Optical Brain Imaging; Meltem Izzetoglu Causality Analysis of Multivariate Neural Data; Maciej Kamin´ski and Hualou Liang MEDICAL IMAGING Mammography; Martin J. Yaffe Computed Tomography; Ian A. Cunningham and Philip F. Judy Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Steven Conolly, Albert Macovski, John Pauly, John Schenck, Kenneth K. Kwong, David A. Chesler, Xiaoping Hu, Wei Chen, Maqbool Patel, and Kamil Ugurbil Nuclear Medicine; Barbara Y. Croft and Benjamin M.W. Tsui Ultrasound; Richard L. Goldberg, Stephen W. Smith, Jack G. Mottley, and K. Whittaker Ferrara Magnetic Resonance Microscopy; Xiaohong Zhou and G. Allan Johnson Positron-Emission Tomography; Thomas F. Budinger and Henry F. VanBrocklin Electrical Impedance Tomography; N. Huber, W. Wang, and D.C. Barber Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Atherosclerosis; Chun Yuan, William S. Kerwin, Gador Canton, Jinnan Wang, Huijun Chen, and Niranjan Balu Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Edward Ashton and Vijay Shah MRI of Myocardial Deformations: Imaging and Modeling; Hui Wang and Amir A. Amini MRI for OA Diagnosis and Drug Development; Saara Totterman and José G. Tamez-Peña Utility of PET in Pharmaceutical Development; R. Boellaard, M. Lubberink, and R.P. Maguire Medical Image Search; Thomas Deserno INFRARED IMAGING Advances in Medical Infrared Imaging: An Update; Nicholas A. Diakides, Mary Diakides, Jasper Lupo, Jeffrey Paul, and Raymond Balcerak Historical Development of Thermometry and Thermal Imaging in Medicine; Francis J. Ring and Bryan F. Jones Infrared Detectors and Detector Arrays; Paul R. Norton, Stuart B. Horn, Joseph G. Pellegrino, and Philip Perconti Infrared Camera Characterization; Joseph G. Pellegrino, Jason Zeibel, Ronald G. Driggers, and Philip Perconti Infrared Camera and Optics for Medical Applications; Michael W. Grenn, Jay Vizgaitis, Joseph G. Pellegrino, and Philip Perconti Physiology of Thermal Signals; David D. Pascoe, James B. Mercer, and Louis de Weerd Quantitative Active Dynamic Thermal IR-Imaging and Thermal; Tomography in Medical Diagnostics; Antoni Nowakowski Dynamic Thermal Assessment; Michael Anbar Thermal Texture Mapping: Whole-Body Infrared Imaging and Its Holistic Interpretation; H. Helen Liu and Zhong Qi Liu Infrared Imaging of the Breast: A Review; William C. Amalu, William B. Hobbins, Jonathan F. Head, and Robert L. Elliot Functional Infrared Imaging of the Breast: Historical Perspectives, Current Application, and Future Considerations; John R. Keyserlingk, P.D. Ahlgren, E. Yu, Normand Belliveau, and Mariam Yassa MammoVision (Infrared Breast Thermography) Compared to X-Ray Mammography and Ultrasonography: 114 Cases Evaluated; Reinhold Berz and Claus Schulte-Uebbing Detecting Breast Cancer from Thermal Infrared Images by Asymmetry Analysis; Hairong Qi, Phani Teja Kuruganti, and Wesley E. Snyder Application of Nonparametric Windows in Estimating the Mutual Information between Bilateral Breasts in Thermograms; M. Etehadtavakol, E.Y.K. Ng, Caro Lucas, S. Sadri, and N. Gheissari Breast Cancer Screening Based on Thermal Image Classification; Boguslaw Wiecek, Maria Wiecek, Robert Strakowski, M. Strzelecki, T. Jakubowska, M. Wysocki, and C. Drews-Peszynski Fuzzy C Means Segmentation and Fractal Analysis of the Benign and Malignant Breast Thermograms; M. Etehadtavakol, E.Y.K. Ng, Caro Lucas, and S. Sadri The Role of Thermal Monitoring in Cardiosurgery Interventions; Antoni Nowakowski, Mariusz Kaczmarek, and Jan Rogowski Physiology-Based Face Recognition in the Thermal Infrared Spectrum; Pradeep Buddharaju and Ioannis Pavlidis Noninvasive Infrared Imaging for Functional Monitoring of Disease Processes; Moinuddin Hassan, Jana Kainerstorfer, Victor Chernomordik, Abby Vogel, Israel Gannot, Richard F. Little, Robert Yarchoan, and Amir H. Gandjbakhche Biomedical Applications of Functional Infrared Imaging; Arcangelo Merla and Gian Luca Romani Modeling Infrared Imaging Data for the Assessment of Functional Impairment in Thermoregulatory Processes; Alessandro Mariotti and Arcangelo Merla Infrared Thermal Imaging Standards for Human Fever Detection; Francis J. Ring and E.Y.K. Ng Infrared Thermal Imaging for Fever Detection in Children; Francis J. Ring, A. Jung, B. Kalicki, J. Zuber, A. Rustecka, and R. Vardasca Thermal Imager as Fever Identification Tool for Infectious Diseases Outbreak; E.Y.K. Ng Thermal Imaging in Diseases of the Skeletal and Neuromuscular Systems; Francis J. Ring and Kurt Ammer Functional Infrared Imaging in the Evaluation of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Type I: Current Pathophysiological Concepts, Methodology, Case Studies, and Clinical Implications; Timothy D. Conwell and James Giordano Thermal Imaging in Surgery; Paul Campbell and Roderick Thomas Thermal Signals and Cutaneous Circulation in Physiological Research and Reconstructive Surgery; David D. Pascoe, Louis de Weerd, James B. Mercer, Joshua E. Lane, and Sven Weum Infrared Imaging Applied to Dentistry; Barton M. Gratt Laser Infrared Thermography of Biological Tissues; Alexander Sviridov and Andrey Kondyurin Use of Infrared Imaging in Veterinary Medicine; Ram C. Purohit, Tracy A. Turner, and David D. Pascoe Standard Procedures for Infrared Imaging in Medicine; Kurt Ammer and Francis J. Ring Storage and Retrieval of Medical Infrared Images; Gerald Schaefer Ethical Obligations in Infrared Imaging Research and Practice; James Giordano and Kim Abramson MEDICAL INFORMATICS Introduction to Medical Informatics; Luis G. Kun Hospital Information Systems: Their Function and State; T. Allan Pryor Computer-Based Patient Records; J. Michael Fitzmaurice Overview of Standards Related to the Emerging Health Care Information Infrastructure; Jeffrey S. Blair Introduction to Informatics and Nursing in the New Health Care Environment: 2013; Kathleen A. McCormick, Joyce Sensmeier, Connie White Delaney, and Carol J. Bickford Non-AI Decision Making; Ron Summers, Derek G. Cramp, and Ewart R. Carson Genome Informatics; Konstantinos P. Exarchos, Themis P. Exarchos, and Dimitrios I. Fotiadis Cardiovascular Health Informatics; Carmen C.Y. Poon and Yuan-ting Zhang eEmergency Health Care Informatics; E. Kyriacou, P. Constantinides, A. Panayides, M.S. Pattichis, and C.S. Pattichis Disaster Response: Roles of Responders and Lessons Learned since 9/11; James Geiling, Lindsay Katona, Michael Lauria, and Joseph M. Rosen Disaster Response: Potential Improvement with Medical Informatics; James Geiling, Ron Poropatich, Michael Lauria, Robyn E. Mosher, and Joseph M. RosenAUTORE
Joseph D. Bronzino is the founder and president of the Biomedical Engineering Alliance and Consortium (BEACON) in Hartford, Connecticut. He earned a PhD in electrical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. Dr. Bronzino has received the Millennium Award from IEEE/EMBS and the Goddard Award from Worcester Polytechnic Institute for Professional Achievement. He is the author of more than 200 articles and 11 books. Donald R. Peterson is a professor of engineering and dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Nursing at Texas A&M University–Texarkana. He earned a PhD in biomedical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. Dr. Peterson’s recent research focuses on measuring and modeling human, organ, and/or cell performance, including exposures to various physical stimuli and the subsequent biological responses. Dr. Peterson has published more than 50 journal articles and 12 reference books.ALTRE INFORMAZIONI
- Condizione: Nuovo
- ISBN: 9781138748118
- Collana: The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition
- Dimensioni: 10 x 7 in Ø 5.09 lb
- Formato: Brossura