• Genere: Libro
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Editore: Apress
  • Pubblicazione: 08/2017
  • Edizione: 1st ed.

Android Continuous Integration

30,98 €
29,43 €
Master continuous integration, deployment and automated testing for Android apps. You’ll see how to set up and tear down sandbox environments to test the end-user experience, where you’ll learn how to manage a mobile device in addition to the build machine. Android Continuous Integration applies a real-world CI pattern that has been thoroughly tested and implemented.This book starts with continuous integration concepts and the tools and code needed to become proficient in continuous integration for Android apps. You’ll also follow acceptance test driven development (ATDD) best practice, giving you all the skills you need to become a better, more effective developer. Finally, you’ll learn about the Appium mobile automation library and the Jenkins continuous integration tool.What You Will LearnUnderstand how to build an Android mobile app from source Set up a development or debugging environment for mobile appsIntegrate with the Nexus dependency management and application release toolWork with the SonarQube code quality analyzerUse debugging tools in AndroidWho This Book Is ForProduct owners/business analysts, QA/test engineers, developers and build/deploy engineers.

01 - IntroductionMobile Apps, Continuous Integration, What and Who the book is for, Expected value-addsArchitectureContinuous Integration patterns – Architecture InfoGraphsVideosVideo links demonstrating continuous integration patterns – A quick way to evaluate if your time is worth reading the book02 - Mobile TechnologiesWhat Consumer want, Ecosystems, Hardware, Platforms, Types of Mobile Apps, Focus in this bookMobile Test AutomationWebdriver Protocol, JSON over wire, Scaling, Selenium GRID, How does it apply to mobile automation, Test Automation Libraries, Why Automate, Mobile Test Strategy, Mobile Test Environment 03 - CI Pattern with Jenkins – AndroidJenkins, Docker, Nexus, Sonarqube, CI tool stack, Feedback Loops04 - Pre-RequisitesWindows vs. Mac, Mobile Devices, Network, Platform, Programming Languages05 - Android System SetupInstall JDK, Install Android SDK, Install Android Studio, Install Gradle, Gradle Tasks06 - Tools to knowADB,  uiautomatorviewer, AVD manager, SDK manager, Device Monitor, Record playback video07 - Build Android AppAndroid Build Process, Build from command line, Build from Android Studio, Build Sample App, Demo Video08 - Connect Android TargetEmulator vs. Real Device, Hardware Acceleration, Create AVD,  USB debug, Connect Device over USB, Wi-Fi Debug, Connect Device over Wi-Fi, ADB commands, Remote Debug Chrome09 - Deploy or Install Android AppIdentify target, Install on emulator, Install on Real Device, Command line vs. Android Studio 10 - Appium – GeneralAppium Concepts, Why Appium, Release vs. Debug app, Open Source, Appium Server and Client, Appium Design, Appium Architecture InfoGraph11 - Appium Framework – AndroidInstall Appium Server, Appium Server Configuration, Appium Android Settings, Introspecting App with various tools, Continuous Test Automation with Cucumber, Test Automation Framework concepts, Write Tests – Cucumber and Ruby, Execute Tests – Local Lab vs. Cloud , Report Execution Results, Screenshots and Videos during Execution, Execution on emulators, Execution on Real Devices12 - Parallel Devices AutomationStart multiple appium servers, Client side alignment, Selenium GRID

Pradeep Macharla is a passionate technical and business leader with over 13 years of experience managing, coaching and growing teams. Pradeep currently leads DevOps & Automation Practices at Inmar Inc. His background and experience has made him a highly sought after technical leader and mentor, consulting or working at the senior leadership and executive level. Pradeep has an MBA degree from Duke University that complements his technical ability to engage both business leaders and technical architects that brings clarity and simplicity to conversations.

  • Condizione: Nuovo
  • ISBN: 9781484227954
  • Dimensioni: 235 x 155 mm Ø 2584 gr
  • Formato: Brossura
  • Illustration Notes: XIX, 141 p. 117 illus., 114 illus. in color.
  • Pagine Arabe: 141
  • Pagine Romane: xix