• Genere: Libro
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Editore: CRC Press
  • Pubblicazione: 01/2012
  • Edizione: 1° edizione

Advances in Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Applications in Geomechanics and Geoengineering

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208,98 €
198,53 €
Rocks and soils can behave as discontinuous materials, both physically and mechanically, and for such discontinuous nature and behaviour there remain challenges in numerical modelling methods and techniques. Some of the main discontinuum based numerical methods, for example the distinct element method (DEM) and the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA), are associated with geomechanics and geoengineering. Discontinuous numerical methods have been widely applied in geoengineering related to civil, mining, hydropower and petroleum engineering. There are many good examples of the use of UDEC/3DEC and DDA in design and forensic of geoengineering projects, in dams, slopes, tunnels, caverns and mines. The discontinuous numerical methods provide good tools to capture the true physical and mechanical behaviours of the geomaterials, and provide the scientific insights enabling for better engineering. Discontinuous numerical methods are indeed very much research and engineering tools of the present, and certainly more in the future. Advances in Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Applications in Geomechanics and Geoengineering is a collection of 55 technical papers presented at the 10th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation (ICADD-10), held 6-8 December 2011, Honolulu, USA. The papers cover a wide scope of discontinuous numerical methods from algorithms and mechanics, to modelling techniques and applications, including the key block theory, the discontinuous deformation analysis, the numerical manifold method, the distinct element method, coupled discontinuum and continuum methods, multi-scale and multi-physics in modelling, applications and case studies of engineering projects.

Preface Keynotes Rock block stability analysis of slopes and underground power houses, G.H. ShiRecent developments and future trends in distinct element methods — UDEC/3DEC and PFC codes, J.V. LemosApplication of DDA and NMM to practical problems in recent new insight, Y. Ohnishi, T. Koyama, T. Sasaki, I. Hagiwara, S. Miki & T. ShimauchiComplete and high order polynomial displacement approximation and its application to elastic mechanics analysis based on DDA, A.Q. Wu, Y. Zhang & S.Z. LinDiscontinuum based micromechanics modelling methods, G.F. Zhao & J. Zhao (EPFL)Immersed boundary based fluid coupling in mechanics of discontinua, A. Munjiza, J.J.R. Williams, E.J. Avital, J. Cin & D. XuToward a realistic rock mass numerical model, G.W. Ma & G.Y. FuDDARF-A simple solution for simulating rock fragmentation, Y.Y. Jiao & X.L. Zhang Discontinuous deformation analysis method and applications New contact resolution algorithm using two-stage contact definitionand rounding scheme in 3D DDA, T.Y. Ahn & J.J. SongCoupling fluid flow with discontinuous deformation analysis, Y.X. Ben, J. Xue, Q.H. Miao & Y. WangNumerical simulation of landslide turning into debris flows using discontinuous deformation analysis method, B. Hu, A.Q. Wu, B.W. Gong & B. LuDDA simulations for slope failure/collapse experiment caused by torrential rainfall, T. Koyama, K. Irie, K. Nagano, S. Nishiyama, N. Sakai & Y. OhnishiUsing natural-neighbor-interpolation-based DDA method for elasto-plastic analysis of discrete block system, Y.Z. Ma & H. ZhengA numerical study of the significance of joint roughness in discontinuum modelling, A. Mortazavi & A. BonakdarHistory of road construction with discontinuous analysis in Japan, T. Nakai, K. Hatakeyama & Y. OhnishiNonreflecting boundaries for the discontinuous deformation analysis, Y.J. Ning & Z.Y. ZhaoStudies on rock fall problems by three dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis, T. Sasaki, I. Hagiwara, S. Miki, Y. Ohnishi & T. KoyamaAnchorage effect on fractured rock and cavern stability analysis using DDA method, S. Yu, W. Wang & W. ZhuMasonry retaining wall under static load using discontinuous deformation analysis, J.Q. Tian, S. Nishiyama, T. Koyama & Y. OhnishiDevelopment of graphic user interface for Discontinues Deformation Analysis (DDA), G.F. Zhao, N. Khalili, X.B. Zhao & X.B. TuOn the implementation of augmented lagrangian methodin the 2D discontinuous deformation analysis, Z.Y. Zhao, H.R. Bao & Q. TianThe method of slope modelling for rockfall analysis using 3D DDA, L. Zheng, G. Chen, K. Zen & K. Kasama Key block theory, block cutting and applications Generation of three-dimensional rock mass geometrical model, G.Y. Fu & G.W. MaAn efficient block detection algorithm in 3D-DDA, A. Jafari & M. KhishvandBlock identification algorithm for complex free planes, J.Y. Li, J. Xue, J. Xiao & Y. WangStability analysis of determined blocks in the underground powerhouse of guandi hydropower station, B. Lu, X.L. Ding, Z.H. Dong & A.Q. WuModeling method for complex key block based on Nef polyhedra, J. Xue, Q.H. Miao, Y.X. Ben, J.Y. Li & Y. WangThree-dimensional block cutting and its some applications to rock engineering, Q.H. Zhang & A.Q. Wu Numerical manifold method and further developments Application of manifold method to punch loading tests for polymer bonded explosives, K. Dai, P. Chen & H. HuaiStudy for reinforcement planning of masonry structure with cracksat Bayon main tower, Angkor, M. Hayashi, S. Yamada, M. Araya, T. Koyama, M. Fukuda & Y. IwasakiAccelerating contact detection using spatial hashing for Numerical Manifold Method, Q.H. Miao, J. Xue, Y.X. Ben & L. LiResearch on solving geometric nonlinear problems with fixed triangular meshes, H. Su, Y. Gong & X. XieAn introduction of Particle Manifold Method (PMM), L. Sun, G.F. Zhao & J. Zhao (EPFL)Simulation of seepage in porous medium by Numerical Manifold Method, Y. Wang & J.K. GongResearch on 3 dimension manifold method and its application, Y. Wu, G. Chen, Z. Jiang, Q. Li, W. Wei, X. Liu & J. Zhao (CEA) Distinct element method and applications A numerical study of goaf stability under a desert expressway, S.G. Chen, C. Hu & L. XiongA study on hole-cutting in deep tunneling, S.G. Chen, L. Chen, C. Hu & X.R. TanA numerical study on shear characteristics of jointed rock under thermo—mechanical coupled condition, T. Kim, C-S. Lee & S. JeonPFC numerical simulation of particle breakage of the clay core rock-fill dam, F.H. Liu, J. Liu & X.J. KongA study on the stability of a big-section tunnel in karst area, H. Ma, S.G. Chen, C. Hu & X.R. TanModelling dynamic crack propagation by distinct lattice spring model, H.S. Ma, H.G. Ji, L.J. Yin & G.F. ZhaoA numerical analysis of the effect of rock bridges on wave propagation, A. Mortazavi & M. SharafisafaContinuum and discontinuum analysis of large shallow rock caverns, V. Nasri, S. Rashidi, N. Allahverdi & M. SepehrmaneshSimulation of progressive failure in slope using distinct element method with the gravity increased procedure, T. Nishimura, H. Hiramatsu & S. KayanoStability analysis and reinforcement evaluation of the left bank slope in Jingping I hydropower station, G. Rong, Q-H. Jiang, C-B. Zhou, J. Peng, X-J. Wang & T. ChenInvestigate water flowing in fractured strata over a gob zone, Z. Yang, C. Huang, S. Liu, B. Wang, S. Wang & L. WangReliability assessment of ultimate and serviceability limit states of underground rock caverns, W.G. Zhang, A.T.C. Goh & J.Y.K. WongUDEC application in rock support optimization for Pianqiao diversion tunnel, Y.B. Zhao, S.G. Chen, C. Hu & X.F. DengA three-dimensional stochastic granule model with real shapes and numerical simulation of rockfill behavior, W. Zhou, X.L. Chang & C-B. Zhou Discontinuous modelling of finite element and other methods Elastic-plasticity deformation analysis for rock slope with anti-dip angle contact interface, X.D. Li & C. SuAn analytical study about dynamic failure mechanismof anchor bolts embedded in concrete, S. Munemoto & Y. SonodaComputational coupling methods of dynamic problems with different discrete idealizations, K. Sato, S. Maeda, T. Kawahara, Y. Tanaka & H. TakedaStability study of surrounding rock with parallel weak interlayer, C. Su, Y.S. Jiang & X.D. LiMoisture and heat transfer characteristics of the pavement with water retention base course, E. Tomotsugu, S. Yasunori, K. Morito, C. Su, Y.S. Jiang & X.D. Li Contact analysis and foundation reinforcement measures of ship lock on soft foundation, C. Xu, C. Su & F. ShengOn accuracy of solution for explicit and implicit dynamic formulation with hybrid-type penalty method, T. Yagi, N. Takeuchi & K. Yamamura

  • Condizione: Nuovo
  • ISBN: 9780415684040
  • Dimensioni: 9.75 x 6.75 in Ø 2.10 lb
  • Formato: Copertina rigida
  • Pagine Arabe: 440