Introduction. PART 1- 1. Star Formation and Composition – the ingredients of Nebulae.- 2. The Milky Way – our Galaxy and Home to Nebulae - Emission Nebulae - Reflection Nebulae - Dark Nebulae - Planetary Nebulae - Supernova Remnants - Extragalactic nebulae? PART 2- 3. Instruments - naked eye, binoculars, RFT, Mak/SCT, Dobsonians.- 4. Techniques - Dark adapation, red light, averted vision.- 5. Accessories - eyepieces, filters, finders.- 6. Locating objects – setting circles, star hopping, ‘goto’.- 7. Resources - finder charts, computer-based planetaria, deep-sky books, the Internet.- 8 Observing Guide - planning, conditions and weather, seeing and transparency, atmosphere, logging.-
9. Observing lists. Catalogues of nebulae – general: NGC/IC, Messier; Gaseous: Lynds; Planetaries: P+K, Strasbourg; Dark: Barnard, Lynds