White noise models in non-linear filtering and control.- Optimal impulsive control theory.- An introduction to duality in random mechanics.- Linear stochastic itô equations in Hilbert space.- Martingale methods in stochastic control.- A geometric approach to linear control and estimation.- The martingale calculus and applications.- Interaction between stochastic differential equations and partial differential equations.- Approximation of solutions to differential equations with random inputs by diffusion processes.- Optimal conditions and sufficient statistics for controlled jump processes.- Stochastic filtering theory: A discussion of concepts, methods, and results.- to the theory of optimal stopping.- Weak martingales associated with a two parameter jump process.- Stochastic stagewise Stackleberg strategies for linear quadratic systems.- Some remarks concerning attainable sets of stochastic optimal control systems.- Potential theory in optimal stopping and alternatinc processes.- Adaptive control of Markov chains.- Solution of the limited risk problem without rank conditions.- The parameterization of rational transferfunction linear systems.- A stochastic model for the electrical conduction in non homogeneous layers.- Policy improvement algorithm for continuous time Markov decision processes with switching costs.- An algebro-geometric approach to estimation and stochastic control for linear pure delay time systems.- A non-linear martingale problem.- Pathwise construction of random variables and function space integrals.- Non-gaussianity and non-linearity in electroencephalographic time series.- Canonical form and local characteristics of semimartingales.- On identification and the geometry of the space of linear systems.- A numerical comparison of non-linear withlinear prediction for the transformed Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.- On the bandit problem.- Existence and uniqueness for stochastic differential equations.- On the solution and the moments of linear systems with randomly disturbed parameters.- Some exact results on stability and growth of linear parameter excited stochastic systems.- A variational inequality for a partially observed stopping time problem.- Equations du filtrage non lineaire pour des processus a deux indices.- Minimum covariance, minimax and minimum energy linear estimators.- Non linear filtering for the system with general noise.- Filtering of a diffusion process with poisson-type observation.- On weak closures of convex and solid sets of probability measures.- Non L1-bounded martingales.- On the definition and detection of structural change.- Exact filtering in exponential families: Discrete time.- Lower estimation error bounds for Gauss-Poisson processes.- Sur L'Approximation D'Un Processus De Transport Par Une Diffusion.- Resolution of measurability problems in discrete — time stochastic control.- Optimal non-explosive control of a non constrained diffusion and behaviour when the discount vanishes.- Sequential estimation of the solution of an integral equation in filtering theory.- Causal and non-anticipating solutions of stochastic equations.