Questo prodotto usufruisce delle SPEDIZIONI GRATIS
selezionando l'opzione Corriere Veloce in fase di ordine.
Pagabile anche con Carta della cultura giovani e del merito, 18App Bonus Cultura e Carta del Docente
Preface Fragmentation.-
1.1 Respect for persons, and persons as ends.-
1.2 The essence of ‘respect for persons’.-
1.3 Contemporary challenges.-
1.3.1 The problem of integration.-
1.3.2 The problem of ‘personhood’.-
1.3.3 The problem of Objectification.-
1.4 The aftermath.-
2. Discrimination.-
2.1 Introductory remarks.-
2.2 Discrimination and procedural unfairness.-
2.3 Discrimination and intentionality.-
2.4 Discrimination as an interpretive moral wrong.-
3. Stereotyping.-
3.1 A potential counterexample.-
3.2 Injustice and stereotyping.-
3.3 Ideological stereotyping.-
4. Objectification.-
4.1 Introduction.-
4.1.1 First stage objectification: instrumentalisation.-
4.1.2 Second stage objectification: adoption of alien ends.-
4.1.3 Third stage objectification: ‘Reduction’ and reflection.-
4.2 Objectification as an interpretive moral wrong.-
4.3 Objectification, stereotyping and scientific self-knowledge.-
4.3.1 Marx and commodification.-
4.3.2 Objectification in genetic research
5. Recognition.-
5.1 Hegel on recognition.-
5.2 Dignity and universal self-consciousness.-
5.3 Essentialism and political liberalism.-
6. Inauthenticity.-
6.1 Liberalism, essentialism and positivism.-
6.2 Phenomenological essentialism.-
6.3 Dasein, intelligibility and alienation.-
6.4 Inauthenticity and objectification.-
7. Sadism.-
7.1 Duality andIntentionality.-
7.2 Being-with-others, the ‘look’.-
7.3 Modes of instrumentalisation.-
7.3.1 Indifference.-
7.3.2 Love, and love’s fragility.-
7.3.3 Sadism and sexual desire.-
7.4 Non-complementarity.-
8. Subjection.-
8.1 Knowledge, power and recognition.-
8.2 Self-knowledge and the abuse of power.-
9. Honesty.-
10. Conclusion and implications.
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