Acknowledgments Forward to the Second Edition Introduction PART I: THE INDIVIDUAL States Don't Make Decisions; People Do Adam Smith and Twenty-first Century National Security Maximizing, Rationality, and the Bounds of Institutions Experimentation in Economic Science The Economics of Autocracies Some Are Ranchers and Some Are Wolves Predicting the Dictator: A Theoretical Model Principles for Policymakers PART II: THE WORLD Castro's Cuba and U.S. Sanctions The Cuban Economy in the 1990s Dictating Economic Performance Sanctions: Truth in Advertising Democracies and the Politics of Trade Free Trade Agreements Case Study: The PRC and Most Favored Nation Status Case Study: Pistachios, Rugs, and Relationship-Building Study: India and Commerce Case Study: The PRC, Public Disclosure and Verified End Users Import Restrictions Case Study: The PRC and non-market economies Trade as a Tool: Roundup Money and Finance as Security Tools Money Inflation Case Study: Swiss dinars and Saddam dinars Case Study: Internet Marketplace Case Study: Money Laundering in Ukraine Exchange Rate Choices and National Security Choosing an Exchange Rate Case Study: Dollarization Choosing Power Over Growth, Again Maximizing Over Time Through Lending and Borrowing International Finance Case Study: International Financial Institutions and the East Asian Financial Crisis Case Study: Tibet vs. the World Bank at Qinghai Sovereign Lending and Foreign Direct Investment Debt Dynamics and Debates Case Study: Debt Forgiveness - Republic of Congo Case Study: Did the Great Recession Change the Competitive Equation? Summary: Money, Exchange Regimes, Debt Curing Poverty Helps National Security Terrorism, Insurgency, and Poverty Theory of Growth Incentives and Growth De-industrialization: When Countries Do Not Invest in Domestic Capacity Case Study: The Millennium Challenge Account Case Study: The African Growth and Opportunity Act Case Study: Saudi Arabian Charities Case Study: Iraq CaseStudy: Syria Case Study: Law Enforcement Against al Qaeda Case Study: Brothers to the Rescue and the "Anti-Terrorism Amendment" to the FSIA Conclusion Appendix Endnotes