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art I: Data Mining.-Dependency Analysis in Ontology-Driven Content-Based Systems.-Measuring Web Page Similarity Based on Textual and Visual Properties.-New Specifics for a Hierarchial Estimator Meta-algorithm.-Fast Plagiarism Detection by Sentence Hashing.-Enriching Domain-Specific Language Models Using Domain Independent WWW N-Gram Corpus.-On the Structure of Indiscernibility Relations Compatible with a Partially Ordered Set.-On Pre-processing Algorithms for Data Stream.-Simple Incremental Instance Selection Wrapper for Classification.-Mining of Multiobjective Non-redundant Association Rules in Data Streams.-On Fuzzy Clustering of Data Streams with Concept Drift.-On Resources Optimization in Fuzzy Clustering of Data Streams.-A Comparison of Complexity Selection Approaches for Polynomials Based on: Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension, Rademacher Complexity and Covering Numbers.-Sample Complexity of Linear Learning Machines with Different Restrictions over Weights.-A Clustering Algorithm Based on Distinguishability for Nominal Attributes .-Retrieving Informative Content from Web Pages with Conditional Learning of Support Vector Machines and Semantic Analysis.-Enhancing Recognition of a Weak Class – Comparative Study Based on Biological Population Data Mining.-Foundations of Rough Biclustering.-ORG - Oblique Rules Generator.-Mini-models – Local Regression Models for the Function Approximation Learning.-A Cluster Validity Index for Hard Clustering.-A New Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm.-An Application of the Self-Organizing Map to Multiple View Unsupervised Learning.-Graphical Models as Surrogates for Complex Ground Motion Models.-Text Classifiers for Automatic Articles Categorization.-Part II: Hardware Implementation.-Structure Searching for Adaptive Spring Networks for Shape Programming in 3D.-Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Controller in FPGA Circuit for Guiding Electric Wheelchair.-Real-Time On-Line-Learning SupportVector Machine Based on a Fully-Parallel Analog VLSI Processor.-Part III: Bioinformatics, Biometrics and Medical Applications COID-FDCM: The Fuzzy Maintained Dendritic Cell Classification Method.-Multilayer Neural Networks with Receptive Fields as a Model for the Neuron Reconstruction Problem.-Human Gait Recognition Based on Signals from Two Force Plates.-Prediction of Radical Hysterectomy Complications for Cervical Cancer Using Computational Intelligence Methods.-Improved Fuzzy Entropy Algorithm for X-Ray Pictures Preprocessing.-Influence of Facial Asymmetry on Human Recognition.-Feature Selection Based on Activation of Signaling Pathways Applied for Classification of Samples in Microarray Studies.-Feasibility of Error-Related Potential Detection as Novelty Detection Problem in P300 Mind Spelling.-Class-Adaptive Denoising for EEG Data Classification.-Analysis and Classification of EEG Data: An Evaluation of Methods.-Surrogate Measures of Thickness in the Regime of Limited Image Resolution: Part 1: Fuzzy Distance Transform.-eBi – The Algorithm for Exact Biclustering.-Application of Neural Networks in Assessing Changes around Implant after Total Hip Arthroplasty .-Forecasting Wear of Head and Acetabulum in Hip Joint Implant.-Fingerprint Recognition Based on Minutes Groups Using Directing Attention Algorithms.-Surrogate Measures of Thickness in the Regime of Limited Image Resolution: Part 2: Granulometry.-Novel Algorithm for the On-Line Signature Verification.-Part IV: Concurrent Parallel Processing.-Concept of Nonlinear Orthogonal Filter of Volterra-Wiener Class Realization Using Multiprocessor Platform.-Fast Parallel Cost Function Calculation for the Flow Shop Scheduling Problem.-Solving the Flexible Job Shop Problem on GPU.-Automatic Privatization for Parallel Execution of Loops.-Efficient Parallel Computation of the Stochastic MV-PURE Estimator by the Hybrid Steepest Descent Method.-Part V: Agent Systems, Robotics and Control Distributed Computing in SensorNetworks Using Multi-agent Systems and Code Morphing.-Multi-agent System for Parallel Road Network Hierarchization.-Hybrid Position/Force Control of the SCORBOT-ER 4pc Manipulator with Neural Compensation of Nonlinearities.-Opportunistic Motivated Learning Agents.-Neural Dynamic Programming in Reactive Navigation of Wheeled Mobile Robot.-Modified Model-Free Adaptive Controller for a Nonlinear Rotor System.-A Centralized Multi-Robot Task Allocation for Industrial Plant Inspection by Using A* and Genetic Algorithms.-A Symbiotic Lenticular Airship for WiSAR Missions.-A New CNN-Based Method of Path Planning in Dynamic Environment .-Artificial Neural Network Ensemble Approach for Creating a Negotiation Model with Ethical Artificial Agents.-Industrial Control System Based on Data Processing.-Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation: Examples from Competitive Market and Group Dynamics.-Will a Robot Be a Human?.-Part VI: Artificial Intelligence in Modeling and Simulation Fractal Modelling of Various Wind Characteristics for Application in a Cybernetic Model of a Wind Turbine.-Selecting Representative Prototypes for Prediction the Oxygen Activity in Electric Arc Furnace.-Stability Analysis of the Neural Network Based Fault Tolerant Control for the Boiler Unit.-Variable Selection in the Kernel Regression Based Short-Term Load Forecasting Model.-Software Modeling Language with Frames and Multi-abstractions: An Overview.-Enriching Business Processes with Rules Using the Oryx BPMN Editor.-Solving Ramified Optimal Transport Problem in the Bayesian Influence Diagram Framework.-Knowledge Based Model for Scheduling in Failure Modes.-Modified Approximation Based Optimization Strategy.-Multiplicative ICA Algorithm for Interaction Analysis in Financial Markets.-Fuzzy Availability Analysis of Web Systems by Monte-Carlo Simulation.-Distance Examination with Computer Aided Analysis – E-matura Platform.-Simulation of the Behavior of Disc-Spring Valve Systems with the Fuzzy Inference Systemsand Artificial Neural Networks.-Part VII: Various Problems od Artificial Intelligence.-System for Independent Living – New Opportunity for Visually Impaired.-A Clustering-Based Methodology for Selection of Fault Tolerance Techniques.-Improving PAWS by the Island Confinement Method.-Hypergraph Distributed Adaptive Design Supported by Hypergraph Replication.-Extended CDC vs Other Formalisms – The Comperative Analysis of the Models for Spatio-temporal Reasoning.-Interval Probabilities of State Transitions in Probabilistic Automata.-A New Method to Construct of Interpretable Models of Dynamic Systems.-Hybrid Anticipatory Networks.-A Question Answer Approach to Building Semantic Memory.-Enhanced Approach of Traffic Profiling for Dimensioning of Mobile Wireless Networks.-
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