campilho aurélio (curatore); kamel mohamed (curatore) - image analysis and recognition
  • Genere: Libro
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Editore: Springer
  • Pubblicazione: 09/2004
  • Edizione: 2004

Image Analysis and Recognition


108,98 €
103,53 €
ICIAR 2004, the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, was the ?rst ICIAR conference, and was held in Porto, Portugal. ICIAR will be organized annually, and will alternate between Europe and North America. ICIAR 2005 will take place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The idea of o?ering these conferences came as a result of discussion between researchers in Portugal and Canada to encourage collaboration and exchange, mainly between these two countries, but also with the open participation of other countries, addressing recent advances in theory, methodology and applications. The response to the call for papers for ICIAR 2004 was very positive. From 316 full papers submitted, 210 were accepted (97 oral presentations, and 113 - sters). The review process was carried out by the Program Committee members and other reviewers; all are experts in various image analysis and recognition areas. Each paper was reviewed by at least two reviewing parties. The high q- lity of the papers in these proceedings is attributed ?rst to the authors, and second to the quality of the reviews provided by the experts. We would like to thank the authors for responding to our call, and we wholeheartedly thank the reviewers for their excellent work in such a short amount of time. We are espe- ally indebted to the Program Committee for their e?orts that allowed us to set up this publication. We were very pleased to be able to include in the conference, Prof. Murat KuntfromtheSwissFederalInstituteofTechnology,andProf. Mario ´ Figueiredo, oftheInstitutoSuperiorT´ ecnico,inPortugal.

Biomedical Applications.- An Automated Multichannel Procedure for cDNA Microarray Image Processing.- A Modified Nearest Neighbor Method for Image Reconstruction in Fluorescence Microscopy.- An Improved Clustering-Based Approach for DNA Microarray Image Segmentation.- A Spatially Adaptive Filter Reducing Arc Stripe Noise for Sector Scan Medical Ultrasound Imaging.- Fuzzy-Snake Segmentation of Anatomical Structures Applied to CT Images.- Topological Active Volumes for Segmentation and Shape Reconstruction of Medical Images.- Region of Interest Based Prostate Tissue Characterization Using Least Square Support Vector Machine LS-SVM.- Ribcage Boundary Delineation in Chest X-ray Images.- A Level-Set Based Volumetric CT Segmentation Technique: A Case Study with Pulmonary Air Bubbles.- Robust Fitting of a Point Distribution Model of the Prostate Using Genetic Algorithms.- A Quantification Tool to Analyse Stained Cell Cultures.- Dynamic Pedobarography Transitional Objects by Lagrange’s Equation with FEM, Modal Matching and Optimization Techniques.- 3D Meshes Registration : Application to Statistical Skull Model.- Detection of Rib Borders on X-ray Chest Radiographs.- Isosurface-Based Level Set Framework for MRA Segmentation.- Segmentation of the Comet Assay Images.- Automatic Extraction of the Retina AV Index.- Image Registration in Electron Microscopy. A Stochastic Optimization Approach.- Evolutionary Active Contours for Muscle Recognition.- Automatic Lane and Band Detection in Images of Thin Layer Chromatography.- Automatic Tracking of Arabidopsis thaliana Root Meristem in Confocal Microscopy.- Document Processing.- A New File Format for Decorative Tiles.- Projection Profile Based Algorithm for Slant Removal.- Novel Adaptive Filtering for Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal from Binary Document Images.- Automated Seeded Region Growing Method for Document Image Binarization Based on Topographic Features.- Image Segmentation of Historical Documents: Using a Quality Index.- A Complete System for Detection and Identification of Tabular Structures from Document Images.- Underline Removal on Old Documents.- A New Algorithm for Skew Detection in Images of Documents.- Blind Source Separation Techniques for Detecting Hidden Texts and Textures in Document Images.- Efficient Removal of Noisy Borders from Monochromatic Documents.- Colour Analysis.- Robust Dichromatic Colour Constancy.- Soccer Field Detection in Video Images Using Color and Spatial Coherence.- New Methods to Produce High Quality Color Anaglyphs for 3-D Visualization.- A New Color Filter Array Interpolation Approach for Single-Sensor Imaging.- A Combinatorial Color Edge Detector.- Texture Analysis.- A Fast Probabilistic Bidirectional Texture Function Model.- Model-Based Texture Segmentation.- A New Gabor Filter Based Kernel for Texture Classification with SVM.- Grading Textured Surfaces with Automated Soft Clustering in a Supervised SOM.- Textures and Wavelet-Domain Joint Statistics.- Video Segmentation Through Multiscale Texture Analysis.- Motion Analysis.- Estimation of Common Groundplane Based on Co-motion Statistics.- An Adaptive Estimation Method for Rigid Motion Parameters of 2D Curves.- Classifiers Combination for Improved Motion Segmentation.- A Pipelined Real-Time Optical Flow Algorithm.- De-interlacing Algorithm Based on Motion Objects.- Automatic Selection of Training Samples for Multitemporal Image Classification.- Parallel Computation of Optical Flow.- Lipreading Using Recurrent Neural Prediction Model.- Multi-model Adaptive Estimation for Nonuniformity Correction of Infrared Image Sequences.- Surveillance and Remote Sensing.- A MRF Based Segmentatiom Approach to Classification Using Dempster Shafer Fusion for Multisensor Imagery.- Regularized RBF Networks for Hyperspectral Data Classification.- A Change-Detection Algorithm Enabling Intelligent Background Maintenance.- Dimension Reduction and Pre-emphasis for Compression of Hyperspectral Images.- Viewpoint Independent Detection of Vehicle Trajectories and Lane Geometry from Uncalibrated Traffic Surveillance Cameras.- Robust Tracking and Object Classification Towards Automated Video Surveillance.- Detection of Vehicles in a Motorway Environment by Means of Telemetric and Visual Data.- High Quality-Speed Dilemma: A Comparison Between Segmentation Methods for Traffic Monitoring Applications.- Automatic Recognition of Impact Craters on the Surface of Mars.- Classification of Dune Vegetation from Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Images.- SAR Image Classification Based on Immune Clonal Feature Selection.- Depth Extraction System Using Stereo Pairs.- Fast Moving Region Detection Scheme in Ad Hoc Sensor Network.- Tracking.- LOD Canny Edge Based Boundary Edge Selection for Human Body Tracking.- Object Boundary Edge Selection for Accurate Contour Tracking Using Multi-level Canny Edges.- Reliable Dual-Band Based Contour Detection: A Double Dynamic Programming Approach.- Tracking Pedestrians Under Occlusion Using Multiple Cameras.- Application of Radon Transform to Lane Boundaries Tracking.- A Speaker Tracking Algorithm Based on Audio and Visual Information Fusion Using Particle Filter.- Kernel-Bandwidth Adaptation for Tracking Object Changing in Size.- Tracking Algorithms Evaluation in Feature Points Image Sequences.- Short-Term Memory-Based Object Tracking.- Real Time Multiple Object Tracking Based on Active Contours.- An Object Tracking Algorithm Combining Different Cost Functions.- Vehicle Tracking at Traffic Scene with Modified RLS.- Face Detection and Recognition.- Understanding In-Plane Face Rotations Using Integral Projections.- Feature Fusion Based Face Recognition Using EFM.- Real-Time Facial Feature Extraction by Cascaded Parameter Prediction and Image Optimization.- Frontal Face Authentication Through Creaseness-Driven Gabor Jets.- A Coarse-to-Fine Classification Scheme for Facial Expression Recognition.- Fast Face Detection Using QuadTree Based Color Analysis and Support Vector Verification.- Three-Dimensional Face Recognition: A Fishersurface Approach.- Face Recognition Using Improved-LDA.- Analysis and Recognition of Facial Expression Based on Point-Wise Motion Energy.- Face Class Modeling Using Mixture of SVMs.- Comparing Robustness of Two-Dimensional PCA and Eigenfaces for Face Recognition.- Useful Computer Vision Techniques for Human-Robot Interaction.- Face Recognition with Generalized Entropy Measurements.- Facial Feature Extraction and Principal Component Analysis for Face Detection in Color Images.- Security Systems.- Fingerprint Enhancement Using Circular Gabor Filter.- A Secure and Localizing Watermarking Technique for Image Authentication.- A Hardware Implementation of Fingerprint Verification for Secure Biometric Authentication Systems.- Inter-frame Differential Energy Video Watermarking Algorithm Based on Compressed Domain.- Improving DTW for Online Handwritten Signature Verification.- Distribution of Watermark According to Image Complexity for Higher Stability.- Visual Inspection.- Comparison of Intelligent Classification Techniques Applied to Marble Classification.- Inspecting Colour Tonality on Textured Surfaces.- Automated Visual Inspection of Glass Bottles Using Adapted Median Filtering.- Neuro-Fuzzy Method for Automated Defect Detection in Aluminium Castings.- Online Sauter Diameter Measurement of Air Bubbles and Oil Drops in Stirred Bioreactors by Using Hough Transform.- Defect Detection in Textile Images Using Gabor Filters.- Geometric Surface Inspection of Raw Milled Steel Blocks.

  • Condizione: Nuovo
  • ISBN: 9783540232407
  • Collana: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  • Dimensioni: 235 x 155 mm Ø 1347 gr
  • Formato: Brossura
  • Illustration Notes: LVIII, 868 p.
  • Pagine Arabe: 868
  • Pagine Romane: lviii